051 68 11 411


sabato 18 gennaio 2025
Tu sei qui : Pubblica Amministrazione  >  Progetti Europei  >  Progetti
Progetti approvati
Al momento non ci sono progetti approvati in attesa di svolgimento.
Progetti in svolgimento
  • ENNEADI - European Network in Nutritional Education for Acquired Disabilities - Erasmus+ KA2 - Partenariati Strategici - IFP - Bando 2020
Progetti terminati
  • SEM.BET - Sharing European Memories BETween generations - Programma Life Long Learning - sottoprogramma Grundtvig
  • YES Employability - Increase Employability of students in vocational training at European level using ICT - Programma Life Long Learning - Programma settoriale Leonardo Da Vinci
  • SEME@School - Sharing European Memories at School - Programma Life Long Learning - Programma settoriale Comenius
  • NYPAD - Networking for Youth PArticipation in Democratic life - Programma Gioventù in Azione
  • L.U.C.A. - Links United for Coma Awakenings - Programma Life Long Learning - sottoprogramma Grundtvig
  • Pest Practice - Advancing work safety for pest control workers - Programma Life Long Learning - sottoprogramma Leonardo
  • KC-MEM - Acquiring key competences through local memories in non-formal adult learning - Programma Life Long Learning - sottoprogramma Grundtvig
  • WOW - WhO am I, Who are you: European citizenship and intercultural dialogue - Programma Europa per I Cittadini - Misura 1.2 "Reti di città gemellate"
  • L.U.C.A.S. - Links United for Coma Awakenings through Sport - Programma Erasmus + Sport - Collaborative Partnership



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